Thursday, May 2, 2013

Modern Family 4.21


I think Julie Bowen deserved a special mention in this episode. She displayed marvelous body language at showcasing Claire's feelings, her annoyance at the irritating girl and her joy when she was offered a job. I would post pictures of it but no amount of pictures would ever be enough to show how wonderful she is at bringing the character to life. 

I have to admit, I was disappointed when Claire quits her job in the end. I feel that her working would add dynamic to the show that seems to be lacking any after the birth of Joe Pritchett who by the way, we did not see at all in this episode. Moreover, her working under Phil's rival would be hilarious to watch. If only Gil Thorpe wasn't such a jerk. 

While this is a show that celebrates current alternatives to 'family', I find it rather disturbing that Claire praises Luke for making a sexual joke about Haley's date-life. While Luke has been shown to be maturing, it feels too soon and freaky for Haley's sex life to be discussed so openly by a boy with no Adam's apple. 

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