Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Revolution 1x16

OVERALL: 6.5/10

Tom Neville returns and revealed Monroe's plan of releasing a devastating virus. Team Miles is tasked with a mission to retrieve the doctor in charge of making the viruses and is forced to work with Tom who is now working for Georgia Federation. Obviously, conflicts ensued. Especially when Charlie discovered that they have kidnapped the doctor's family to force him into making the viruses for Georgia. Charlie, Nora and Jason disagreed with the kidnapping and worked together to reunite the doctor with his family. They succeeded with the help of Miles and the sudden attack by the Militia soldiers.

Meanwhile, Rachel and Aaron gets further to the west and found themselves starving in a place where food is scarce and punishment for any crimes is death. Thus, when Rachel is found to have stolen food, she is forced to kill the person she stole from before getting killed by him. In a hurry to escape, she fall and severely hurt her leg. Knowing she won't be able to make it to the tower, she decided to tell Aaron something she found in the notebook -- a newspaper clip detailing Aaron's work as a student.

Also, in another place,  a mysterious and devastating creature is unleashed.

Scarce Food
This is more of a personal choice. I like the fact that the writers included food or lack of it as a problem Rachel and Aaron faced. So far in the season, food hadn't be a problem, until now. Just goes to show the extent of the blackout in different areas.

Monroe Vs Flynn
It's nice to know things aren't going too well in an alliance. It's clear now that Randall is trying to control Monroe and Monroe isn't liking that. It will be interesting to see how long the alliance will last before someone decided to kill the other. Oh and Monroe is injured from last episode's shootings.

Rachel Injured 
I guess you can never really tell who won't die in Revolution. And although Rachel didn't die in this episode, I feel it's only a matter of time before she does. This is a good thing because it makes it hard to predict the show. And a show that's unpredictable is more than often always a promising one. It makes the show more realistic too.

Need I say more?
The suspense of waiting to see if any trigger is pulled is satisfying enough. But to see Charlie threatening Tom enhance the satisfaction. Charlie has become such a fearful woman that it's awesome to have watched her grow.

"You want me to get into a streetfight with Miles Matheson?"
I was beginnning to wonder why noone noticed Miles during the inspection. And finally, someone has the brains to think of a logical way of capturing Miles. It's nice to see people in shows having common sense.

Level 12
Just when things start getting complicated, it get even more complex. More questions arise just when we start having answers to some. The introduction of this 'creature' adds another layer to the show that I believe would shed some light on Randall's true purpose.

Shine Bright Like Criminals 
I find it illogical that Miles and Nora is out there in the open while less known criminal Charlie is hidden inside. It feels like they aren't trying to pass the inspection. Shouldn't Miles realized how infamous he is by now?

The Chosen One 
Suddenly, Aaron is the one that has to go to the tower.  While I understand how he may be linked with the blackout, I still find it too convenient that he has to be the one to turn it back on. Suddenly his previous accomplishment is acknowledged when just in the previous episode Rachel was asking him to shop when he offered his help.


Giancarlo Esposito as Tom Neville
He did a magnificent depiction of a man forced to survive by hook and by crook, a man filled with angst towards his son and a man full of egoistic pride. The way he enunciate each word was breathtaking. It allows you to really feel his emotion and that I think, is very impressive.

Revolution is becoming one of my must-watch shows. It's a show that seems to let its characters move the story rather than the plot. Each character has such a unique personality and motive that you can never really put them into a group. This episode clearly shows that. It is things like this that make a show realistic and enjoyable to watch.

However, this also feels like a filler episode. Especially when the doctor is set free and no virus is created for either side. Moreover, it doesn't seem Monroe heard of the kidnapping either. I guess this episode is just to re-introduce Tom and to sort of put a closure on the conflicts everybody have with him.

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